Outside Hype: Author J.L. Ford

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"J. L. Ford was born in Orlando then raised in Webster, Florida. All before the age of 18, J. L. Ford was given away for adoption, raised in poverty, toiled in unbearable Florida fields to help put food on the table, subjected to bullying, joined a gang, faced death twice, failed high school twice, and even lost a child to abortion. Realizing his life could be more and mean more, he joined the army and was immediately sent to Germany before twice being deployed to Iraq. There, he faced loneliness while back home, he lost a beloved aunt, a dear Uncle, and a beautiful little brother. He has experienced the full spectrum of human emotion: pain, deceit, abandonment, loss, loneliness, insecurity, hopelessness, and the list does certainly go on. After the first heartbreak (as a result of cheating), J. L. Ford began avidly studying relationships, reading books and attending lectures on end regarding the subject. Rather than dwell on the negative, he saw an opportunity for self-reflection and growth. His experiences made him exceptionally adept at understanding how to help others make it through their own personal storms. To this day, you will never see him without a smile or lacking words to build, teach and encourage everyone he comes into contact with."


"The truth about doggish men from their own words... Unlike other books or writings on doggish men, this one is specifically unique because you get the truth from their own words. Fifteen men are interviewed to give you not only the why, when it comes to their doggish ways, but also the how, and their true feelings about their actions." {Purchase}

"In these pages you will not only find the true definition of cheating, but infidelity's root causes; and this knowledge will in turn prove to be an invaluable resource in keeping it away from your relationship; and if infidelity has already found a home in your relationship, the second half of this book details the art of deception, the danger of blurred boundaries, how you may be a perfect candidate for being cheated on, etc., shedding a glaring light on exactly how the skillful cheater always gets away with it." {Purchase}

"Through short stories and beautiful quotes, J.L. Ford offers pieces of himself and his journey in this heartwarming, insightful, and inspirational book. If you have ever been faced with rejection, inner-voids, loneliness, a broken heart, distrust, low self-esteem/worth, and fear of not succeeding, you will relate to the words on these pages." {Purchase}

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