Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kelly Rowland Reveals Gender Of Beyonce's Baby At The 2011 Cosmopolitan Women Of The Year Awards!

On Thursday November 3, Kelly Rowland stepped out to the Cosmopolitan Women On The Year Awards in London. The singer did a few interviews where she accidently (and inadvertently) said the gender of Bey & Jay's upcoming baby in early 2012.

Check out what she said to US Weekly and BANG Showbiz after the jump:

Speaking with US Weekly, she was asked about what gifts she will bring to the baby shower and that's where Kelly broke the news by referring to the baby as "her." "I don't know. I think her dad is gonna give her everything anyways, all I can give her is love."

She went on to speak with BANG Showbiz as she reconfirmed the gender of the baby and gushed about how happy she is for them. "I’m so happy for my sister and her husband. They’re so happy in this moment right now, as they should be. They’ve made a little bundle of love, I’m so excited for them. I have no idea what I’m going to buy Beyonce at the baby shower because Jay is going to buy that little girl every single thing possible. She won’t be spoiled but she will be very well looked-after."

So there you have it people! You now know what BJ will be having in the coming months. A shout out and congrats goes to Kelly Rowland for winning Cosmopolitan’s Ultimate Television Personality at the award show.

SOURCE: NecoleBitchie

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